Monday, December 4, 2017

Hour of Code Week: 12/4/17-12/10/17

Hour of Code is a worldwide event designed to introduce people ages 4-104 to computer science. This year, the Hour of Code officially takes place during the week of December 4-10, but an Hour of Code can take place all year round. You can learn more about Hour of Code here:

At Kilpatrick Elementary, all K-5 students will be introduced to computer programming during library lessons.  The K-3 and 5th grade Computer Programming lesson takes place from 12/4—1/5.  4th grade will receive their Computer Programming lesson from 1/8—1/19.  All students are going to learn the role of a computer programmer, as well as the definitions of “code” and “sequence.” They are also going to get to try their hand at coding using the app Kodable.  Here are some other apps you may want to explore: 
  • Cargo-Bot
  • Daisy the Dinosaur
  • Lightbot
  • Scratch Jr.

Happy Coding!