Library Policy

Katy ISD is pleased that your child will be benefiting from the resources of the district’s library media centers. It is the district’s library policy to serve patrons with a broad selection of materials to satisfy the informational needs of the students, faculty and community members. When you sign the parent handbook, it is important to understand that you are accepting the responsibility for any materials checked out by your child. If a book is lost or damaged, a replacement fee is required so the material can be replaced by the library media specialist. The damaged item will then be disposed of as per Katy ISD’s property disposal procedures.

The library media centers may contain print and non-print materials that some parents may not find suitable for their child. Students have unrestricted access to most materials in the library media centers, and the library staff will not restrict the child’s choice of library materials. Self-selection is encouraged. Please familiarize yourself with the materials your child borrows from the library media center. It is the parent’s responsibility to determine any restrictions limiting access to materials for his child and to discuss those restrictions with the child. The Katy ISD Library Media Specialists look forward to fostering your child’s academic achievement as materials are provided to meet the student’s reading and informational needs.