Texas 2x2 Reading Program at Kilpatrick!
The 2x2 Reading List is a product of the Children’s Round Table, a unit of the Texas Library Association. Each year the 2x2 Committee creates a list of 20 recommended books for children age 2 to grade 2.
The 2x2 Reading List is a product of the Children’s Round Table, a unit of the Texas Library Association. Each year the 2x2 Committee creates a list of 20 recommended books for children age 2 to grade 2.
At Kilpatrick, students who read five of these titles can receive a special 2x2 dog tag! Complete the Texas 2x2 Boot (see link below) by coloring in the spaces that match the books you’ve read. Bring the form to the OKE library to receive the tag!
2x2 Committee Reading Tips
Ages 2-3:
- Designate a special reading area with books for sharing.
- Choose books with repetitive phrases.
- Point to different pictures and identify what you see.
- Encourage your child to "point and say" objects in the picture.
Ages 4-5:
- Let your child see you reading.
- Encourage your child to select a favorite book to read.
- Ask your child questions about the story.
- Recite or sing nursery rhymes from the story.
Ages 6-7:
- Keep a good selection of books in your home.
- Let your child read to you and with you.
- Talk about the story and how pictures are a part of the story.
- Stay aware of what your child likes to read. To learn more about the Texas 2x2 program or to access a current book list, click here .
OKE Texas 2x2 Boot 2022-23