Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Create a Digital Citizenship Superhero!

Students at Kilpatrick Elementary can explore what it means to be responsible and respectful online by creating Digital Superheroes who exhibit exemplary attributes and solve digital dilemmas in a responsible way!

Here’s how it works!
Students can create a Digital Superhero who uses his/her powers to help people act safely, responsibly, and respectfully online.  The student should then create a short, three-frame comic strip which illustrates a problem in the digital world, and how their Digital Superhero  helps to resolve the digital dilemma.  Students can create these comic strips freehand using art supplies and paper, or can create the comic strip using online tools, such as the following:
· Marvel’s Create Your Own Superhero (http://marvel.com/ games/play/31/create_your_own_superhero)
· Make Beliefs Comix (www.makebeliefscomix.com)
· Comic Life (http://comiclife.com)
· ABCYa! (www.abcya.com/word_clouds.htm)
· ReadWriteThink Plot Diagram (www.readwritethink.org/files/ resources/interactives/plot-diagram/)
We’ll invite some of our students to share their creations on announcements each morning throughout Digital Citizenship Week. Also, ALL student participants will receive a special Digital Citizenship Superhero dog tag for their Reading Chain! Have fun and happy creating!
Important Dates
· Monday, October 19th - Thursday, October 22nd:  Bring your Digital Superhero comics to the library to display!
· Friday, October 23rd: All comics will be sent home with students